In Today's Wall Street Journal
L: Every month Jim fills out economic forecast forms for Bloomberg and The Wall Street Journal. There are also less-regular forecasting...

Satellites and Economic Data
L: Did you know there is a China Satellite Manufacturing Index (SMI) produced by a company named SpaceKnow that has been live on...

US Manufacturing On Fire
J: The economic data flow for July started off with a bang—appropriate for today as we celebrate Brexit 1776—thanks to the good people...

The "Debt Ceiling" Is Ridiculous Nonsense
J: Few exercises in politics are more futile and pointless (L: and time-consuming and distracting) than the regular jousting in Congress...

Woohoo! We Are Really Rich!
J: For over seventy years now the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (“the Board”) has been providing us with quarterly...

Don't Worry about the Trade Deficit
J: President Trump and some of his key advisers, most notably Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross and Director of the White House National...

Abolish the Corporate Income Tax
J: President Trump has proposed reducing the top corporate income tax rate from the current 35 percent to 15 percent. He would also...

Industrial Production Is Headed for a Record At Last
L: This is a long one (in the blogging world) so here’s a preview. In this blog Jim is doing what he does best. Not only is he telling...

Consumers Are Back to Leading the Charge
J: The Census Bureau gave us much appreciated good news in their Advance Retail and Food Services Sales report of May 12. As the chart...

WSJ: 100-Year Bonds Article Includes a Jim Smith Quote
L: It's always a good thing when Jim gets quoted in national media. Here's an article from The Wall Street Journal that includes a...