Health Care Mysteries
L: This is just me wondering how it is possible that Republicans have been bitterly complaining about the Affordable Care Act for as...

Healthy Employment Growth Returns!
J: The new employment numbers came out today from BLS and they tell a happy story. The total number of nonfarm payroll jobs in the US...

And It Came to Pass: An Accurate GDP Forecast
J: We warned you that a lousy GDP report was coming, and sure enough, the BEA gave it to us on April 28. They reported that real GDP in...

The French Election: Macron-Good, Le Pen-Bad
L: We have a great friend who lives, along with his lovely wife, part of the time in the US and part in France. His short-line bio...

Why Red & Blue See Taxes Differently
L: I find it fascinating (now that I'm over my election trauma) that Democrats and Republicans think of taxation in totally different...

Be Ready for Weak GDP Data
The upcoming data report from the Bureau of Economic Analysis will likely report very weak GDP numbers for the first quarter--like less than

The Great American Jobs Machine
J: President Reagan used to refer to employment growth in the US as the "Great American Jobs Machine," especially in contrast with the...
It's All About Employment
A low unemployment rate but not many new jobs. How did that happen?