Being Impressed by Janet Yellen
L: Dr. Janet Yellen is the Chair of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. She spoke on Tuesday at the National...

Economic Effects of Hurricanes & Eclipses--Who Knew?
J: After accidentally realizing a dream of many years of seeing Yellowstone National Park in the snow (in an unseasonably early...

Whoo-eeee!! Real GDP Hits 3!
J: On August 30 the BEA surprised all economic forecaster with their "Second Estimate" for real GDP growth in the second quarter of 2017....

Robots and Jobs: Not Time to Panic
L: This guy is not quite ready to take ALL the jobs. I know that we keep hearing the scary predictions of tech folks (like Elon Musk,...

Consumers Back in the Saddle
J: In last month's blog on retail and food services sales, we wrote, "We expect to see significant increases in retail sales soon." As...

A Wondrous Tour of an Amazon Fulfillment Center
L: This is a photo showing the amazing way Amazon Fulfillment Centers work--especially the ones that ship out "small stuff." Jim and I...

Join the Mobs Getting Jobs
L: Be impressed. We are out and about, headed for an NBEIC meeting in Seattle and we still wrote a blog! It's a first! J: A key...

Same Old, Same Old - Part 2
J: The second bit of good news in the latest BEA release is that real GDP picked up significantly in the second quarter of 2017 to 2.6...

Same Old, Same Old: The Weak Expansion Continues
J: Three years ago, at the Q&A session after a presentation at the NABE policy conference*, former Federal Reserve Board Chairman Alan...

Retail Sales Are Now Sluggish
The Census Bureau gave us the latest report on retail and food services sales on July 14. The chart shows the data and about all you can...