Consumers Keep Spending--A Lot!
A key component of GDP in the US is consumer sales. The June report from the Census Bureau shows that consumers are doing a great job contr

The June Employment Data Have Something for Everyone
J: On July 6 the BLS gave us a ton of interesting data on "The Employment Situation-June 2018." For a start, they reported that the...

May's Employment Report Is a Barn Burner!
J: I really wanted to use the phrase "barn burner" to describe May's employment report, but turns out I've been scooped. The use of the...

Consumers Are Spending More, Faster
J: The late Willam Safire was a brilliant wordsmith who served as a speechwriter during the Nixon Administration (1969-1974). In a...

A Milestone in Employment Opportunities
Every month the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) releases a report of the Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey aka "JOLTS." It usually...

The US Economy is Huge: Here Are Some Cool Facts
L: Jim ran across this article from the American Enterprise Institute and wanted to share it. It basically compares the GDPs of US...

GDP Growth a Bit of a Surprise
L: For reasons unknown, GDP numbers in the first quarter of each of the last eight years have been pitifully low in comparison to the...

In the News
L: Jim made it into a Bloomberg article addressing the (stupid) tariffs. You read about his views in a blog last week, but it's nice to...

Fabulous Employment Data Show US Growth Accelerating
J: On March 9 the BLS dropped several bombshells on analysts and economic forecasters. The first was the totally unexpected news that...

Trump's New Tariffs Are Insane
The President used a national security law to "justify" high tariffs on steel and aluminum. This is a very dangerous precedent an